May 9, 2024

Into the Odd - In the Mountains of Touforte, part 2

 After a quiet and uneventful night sleeping on the leather couches, the companions awake and begin to make ready, Tinneraine and Vanise find a pair of swords displayed on the walls and clasp the scabbards to their belts, while Awela and Sadiba peruse the bookshelves for anything of value. Sadiba, noticing a tome on sword-fighting, brushes aside a dusty web when a sharp pain on his hand elicits a scream as he falls to the ground shaking. Tinneraine dashes over and swats away the enormous pallid ghost-recluse with his new sword before he sucks the poison out from Sadiba's wound.

"My dear, you must be more careful," Tinneraine says to Sadiba upon his return to consciousness, "who knows what foul crawling things can do!"

"It's best we depart now," says Awela as she shoulders her pack.

As the companions exit the manor they notice the corpses they had encountered the previous evening had vanished by some means in the night.

Tinneraine mutters some esoteric prayer to calm his beating heart as they pass by and set foot across the dewy meadow toward the mountain pass to the north.

Unseen by Awela and colleagues, a swarthy man wearing a drab fatigues collapses a spyglass and picks up his musket, before turning to his stout companion.

"I see them heading towards Stonefinger Pass, I know another way"

"These rock formations are so fascinating! Stonefinger Pass, it's called, how appropriate," says Vanise as she gawks at the enormous red stone spires which stretch across the narrow canyon before the party. "Nothing such as this in Bastion!"

"Oh, Vanise, you have been spending too much time with the local yokels. Though I must admit this view is stunning."

As they make their way through the pass, Awela hears the telltale sound of a detonation. "We are not alone, something is not right."

"You are so paranoid, dear commander, likely it is some miners in the hills, no more," says Vanise.

"But there it is again! Let us tread carefully," says Awela sharply.

Vanise scans the area when she notices stones falling from above and tremors at her feet. "I think the time for care may have passed already, may I suggest alacrity?"

"Say no more," says Tinneraine as he begins to dash toward a larger spire, "elevation is key!"

Larger stones from the canyon walls begin to crash around Awela and Sadiba as they dash toward the spire that Tinneraine and Vanise have begun to climb and secure a rope and pitons.

"I suppose in this moment, I may have preferred the leeches," says Tinneraine.

"Would you just climb, we need a secure path up, come now," Vanise retorts before shouting at her companions to run faster.

Stones pelt Awela and Sadiba as they run through the chaos. While Awela manages to shrug off the worst of it Sadiba is momentarily dazed as a geode strikes his temple, drawing blood. He recovers quickly and begins his ascent behind Awela.

The earth continues to shake as the party climbs the spire. Just as Vanise reaches its flat top she hears the crack of musket fire. "I suppose these may not, indeed, be miners," she says as she helps Tinneraine and Awela up. "Sadiba, please climb faster dear, we are under siege from above now!"

"Southwest, that ridge, Tinner, ready your rocket!" Awela barks, pointing at two figures loading their muskets, "Vanise get Sadiba up here!"

A musketball screams past Tinneraine's ear as he readies his rocket and another musketball strikes Sadiba square in the shoulder. Vanise watches him helplessly as Sadiba's grip on the rope falters and he falls into the churning torrent of stone below.

Awela and Tinneraine's rockets soar across the canyon and bust into a shower of green and blue fire which briefly knocks back the taller figure on the ridge. Vanise unholsters her pistol and looks at Tinneraine tearfully as another musketball grazes Vanise's cheek. The three remaining companions unload their revolvers into the figures beyond. Seeing no movement they collapse atop the spire as they wait for the landslide to subside.

After about an hour, the three descend to the base of the spire. Vanise and Tinneraine frantically search the rubble attempting to locate Sadiba, who they shortly find crushed beneath an enormous boulder. Tinneraine holds a coin to Sadiba's nose and discovers faint breath.

"Oh my dear Sadiba, how can you forgive me!" Tinneraine laments.

Sadiba coughs weakly. "Oh but you took me beyond the clouds. Please, take care of yourself, Tinneraine, and take care of them," he says as he puts a small coffin-shaped box into Tinneraine's hand. "I will see you again, stars and saints willing."

After Tinneraine performs a short funerary rite, the three companions move on in silence as the skies darken and thunder rumbles in the distance.

Apr 30, 2024

Into the Odd - In the Mountains of Touforte

I have decided to try out some solo RPG'ing. Doing some Into the Odd solo hex-crawl, using my binder of random tables and a smorgasbord of solo tools. We will see how this goes, but I have had fun so far.

Dramatis Personae

Awela Singh - a veteran demolitions expert who served in the underwar years ago before turning to a life of adventure and criminal endeavors. In addition to her penchant for explosives, she plays the french horn in a veteran's orchestra.

Vanise Palamas - an enthusiastic mountaineer with a background in anarchist sabotage and bongo-accompanied poetry. Her connections to Bastion's underbelly has kept the crew gainfully employed of late.

Tinneraine Toohzette - a defrocked minister of the nameless saint of secrets, he was excommunicated for being a gossip. His side hustle as fashion columnist at an independent rag mostly feeds his luxury addiction.

Sadiba Navda - a young, curious man recently released from an indentured bond to a mining syndicate his parents sold him to as a means to escape debts. Unlike his boyfriend, Tinneraine, he has no interest in engaging in crime and continues to work an honest day-job mining for the syndicate.


 Before the sun's first rays touch the city's thick smog, before the bakers fire their ovens on this muddy April morning, Awela Singh leads her comrades Tinneraine and Sadiba through the back-alleys of Zapham Row, the Consortium of Court Conductors hot on their tail.

"Oh how brave of you Sadiba, to save me so daringly," says Tinneraine, kissing the younger man's forehead as they stop to catch their breaths at an intersection.

"Quiet, you two!" Awela says as she scans the quiet street. "Where are you, Van?" she curses quietly.

Just then a rope ladder hits Tinneraine in the head as he was leaning in for another kiss.

"Oh, Vanise! Must you always vex me so!" cried Tinneraine.

"Climb!" Awela shouts as she trains a pistol down the alley waiting for their pursuers to arrive. Which they do, just as the ladder begins to ascend. She fires at the men in tuxedos as she rises into the air, above the smoke as the sun rises over Bastion. In the basket of a hot air balloon, the four unlikely heroes look over their home as it wakes, possibly seeing this city for the last time.

"How dramatic a rescue, Vanise," says Awela.

"Ironically, this was the cheapest, and most reliable vehicle that Zoddler had at hand on such a short notice. He said the prevailing winds will take us close to Touforte, we can lay low there and look up some badass nun he used to know," says Vanise.

"A nun? Van are you mad?" asks Tinneraine.

"Apparently not as mad as this nun, but she's a good fixer by his account, we are sure to have work with her."

"Fine, Touforte it is," says Awela. "Sadiba, you know there ain't no going back now? Yer one of us, better or worse, kiddo."

The younger man hugs Tinneraine tighter, "I made my choice," he says and kisses him, "I choose you, Mr. Toohzette."

After swapping their balloon for a flat above an art gallery next to a distillery in the industrial district of Touforte, the crew lies low for a couple weeks before seeking out Fraulein Rothelle at the chapel of St. Zevanka, the Lioness.

The chapel resembles an old hunting lodge, taxidermied animals and beasts unnatural displayed throughout, and the symbol of St. Zevenka, the musket and the morning glory carved into an ivory altar. An elderly woman wearing furs welcomes them into her office, walls covered in animal print wallpaper, her spectacles gilded tortoiseshell.

"I am Fraulein Rothelle, minister of these halls. How can I help you, hunters, for that is what you are, no? I see it in you, what quarry do you pursue that our sainted lady may assist with?"

Vanise slides a sealed letter to the woman, who opens, and reads it, smiles, and places the letter in her desk. "I see, you are hunters indeed, I thought I smelled the smoke of Bastion on you. I haven't heard from old Zoddler in near a decade." She sighs deeply. "I may have something for you. I shall send word when the time comes. May St. Zevenka guide you!"

Day 1

Tinneraine stares mournfully at the barley coffee, stale croissants, and bruised pears laid out upon the table in front of him. "Oh how I miss genuine food! Real coffee was not so hard to find in Bastion, even Zapham Row had a Turkish coffee house of passable quality."

"We can buy real coffee as soon as we do the nun's task, my dear," says Sadiba through bites of croissant, "and I agree with Vanise, I may even be able to find a vein of ore worth selling stake in."

"See! North is surely the best way to go. Besides, with weather as gorgeous as it's been lately, wouldn't you prefer the clear mountain air over the humid swamps, wet boots, and more leeches than St. Tarazik University Hospital?" she says as she mounts the sofa in a triumphant pose.

"Dear Vanise, would you remove your shoes from the davenport, its upholstery is bare enough as is," says Tinneraine, "but I also agree. I'm not due for an exsanguination until July."

Awela nods, staring into her coffee. "It's decided, Vanise will lead us through the pass north. Two days to the Abbey, two days back. We shan't be gone more'n a week."

"Yes Lieutenant Singh, ser!"

 Setting out under a cloudless sky, the four comrades climb the pass north, unaware of what stalks them. Unbeknownst to Awela and colleagues, Fraulein Rothelle's mission is a ruse. These hunters, shall soon be the hunted.

As the sun passes its apogee, the companions find themselves in a grove of violet-leafed aspens wherein they take time for a small repast of tinned whale pemmican and fresh mountain water.

"I could get used to this, my dear friends," says Vanise, "the smog of old Bastion certainly did a number on my lungs that only two-and-one-half packets of cigarillos a day could hope to recreate."

"Aye," says Awela as she cleans out the empty ration can in the nearby stream, "and the water ain't ruddy nor jaundiced."

"Oh you really are deep country bumpkins already, I see. Clean air and water are no substitute for fine culture, good food, and the innumerable luxury amenities Bastion did provide, my friends," says Tinneraine as he polishes his ivory handled pistol. "Ah but look, Sadiba runs for us!"

Sadiba upon returning to the party from the edge of the grove, breathless, says, "Yonder, a mansion, all sinking into the earth, and some creatures of right ghastly mien pursue me!"

Out from the trees burst five crawling things, each sporting purple and gold striped chitin and two hairy tendrils waving from the top of their thorax. They advance across the grass, their mandibles chittring with menace.

Vanise and Tinneraine leap to their feet and shoot their pistols at the beasts while Awela lights a bomb and tosses it toward the oncoming insects. Their volley of firepower destroys four of the creatures handily as the fifth flees, swinging away through the violet leaves with its dorsal tendrils.

"With any luck, we shall not see that again," says Tinneraine, "but I wonder after this Manor, should it provide shelter for an eve, I'd much prefer it to roughing it on some cave floor as we are like to do before we reach the old abbey."

"What luck we should find a defensible position that suits your fancy, oh Princess Toohzette" said Vanise with a wink.

"What else besides these critters you seen boyo?" said Awela. "Lead on, best see what we may do with the place."

 Near to the mansion a fresh half eaten human corpse lies prone. Sadiba lights his lantern as Tinneraine searches a nearby satchel and finds two mysterious metallic elixirs, "Hopefully these may fetch a few shillings in the Touforte market, enough for good coffee with any luck."

Entering the old manor, the comrades find themselves in a statuary room with oil-covered scuptures and a blue jasper statue toppled over on the floor crushing a human corpse beneath.

"Two fresh dead," says Awela "I'd rather tarry no more."

"Oh my dear lieutenant," says Vanise, "can you not smell the sweet flowers deeper in? These poor folk were merely unlucky and too few, we have each other and more brains besides, even with Tinneraine here!"

"Oh you vex me again, Vanise, but I must concur, even if dusty the furnishings here must be better than our vaporous flat! Let us find some comfort here!" says Tinneraine.

Awela relents and leads here comrades through the passage north to find two doors, to their right, locked with a floral scent, ahead the door ajar, a fait hissing can be heard. "Let us see about the chamber ahead before we attempt to open this door."

Upon entering, a pit lay before them, filled with human and nonhuman corpses, some fresh on top, others further down all but mummified. The air shimmers within as some gaseous substance streams from the pipes in the ceiling. Awela and Sadiba enter some reverie and begin to walk toward the pit, Vanise shakes off the influence of the gas, while Tinneraine, who is immune to all toxic substances, notices no effect. The pair drag their companions from the room and shut the door.

"You spike this door shut, and I will pick the lock on the other, keep an eye on these two", says Vanise to Tinneraine. This done, Sadiba and Awela come to sitting on plush leather chairs as Vanise and Tinneraine smoke cigars on the sofa beside them.

"Well, we did find some comfort, friends," Vanise says.

"I'd as soon take this furniture back to Touforte, better quality than likely to be found in leagues of this wild space."

Awela stands up groggily and scans her surroundings, shelves of books, a large table with a topographical map of the surrounding area, doors to the east and west.

"I also found perfume, my dear," Tinneraine says, winking at Sadiba."

"We checked the other door, Awela. It smelled... less than pleasant, but we spiked that door shut as well as that horrible tomb we nearly lost you to. This room, seems to be well enough for a night's rest, and even a hearth to warm ourselves by."

"I'd rather not tarry, but I can see the import of comfort we are unlikely to find in the abbey. We shall make haste at sunrise."

Mar 26, 2024

I guess it's 2024

trying to find where the time goes

I published a thing:

It's not entirely finished yet, but I managed to brush up the main bits I have playtested into something that can be run at the table, a full year and a half after I first wrote it.

I think it's a wonderfully spooky and silly sort of dungeon. I did some collage art and have been playing with layout. DIY lifestyles mang. Any feedback would be appreciated, as I am fairly new to the layout stuff.

I had run it three times over the course of maybe 8 sessions aggregate. There's a greenhouse section in the works, about as many rooms as the mansion, with some weirdness I need to sort out. Which brings me to the main point of why I am writing this....

Dusting Off the Ol' Bloggerino

I have been absent from these parts. Work swallowed me whole and then I got a new position and moved to a new town. My interest in the hobby waned, as ADHD is wont to do, but here I am.

Fantofel is still being worked on, I even had a couple of promising playtests in September, which I was considering writing up, but maybe not just yet.

possible teaser

But, for now I think I need further distractions.

Which brings me to this wonderful article by Roll to Doubt, which has been inspirational. And it has brought me back to what I had been considering as a method by which to do the sadly abandoned #Dungeons23. I will try to craft adventures. No strings, no expectations, no plans. My ambition is often a source of sabotage. I was best at poetry when I flowed with the vibe. Then I chained myself to the muse, recently I have chained myself to ambition. By working at a craft I can entertain whimsy, I can revel in the mercurial impish nature of my mind with the only expectation of creation.

Quality will come, and I can cannibalize as I see fit as I go along.
Fragments and palimpsests, this is how I will vibe.

Warflies - Picking the Bones of No Man's Land

War Stinks! The Great War sucked, probably. No one alive today could say one way or the other. They played soccer one time, I saw it on Doct...